2016 Annual Report

Pursuant to a resolution passed at an ordinary general meeting held on 30 March 2016, the Bank’s paid-in capital was increased to TL 5,100,000,000.00 by the amount of TL 100,000,000.00, of which TL 28,000,000.00 was from internal resources and TL 72,000,000.00 consisted of a cash injection. This share capital increase was registered on 5 May 2016 and was announced in the 9071 issue of the trade registry gazette on 9 May 2016. Concerning this matter, the Bank’s articles of association were also amended as indicated below.


Article 6 (previous version)

Article 6- The capital of the Bank is 5,000,000,000.- Turkish Lira. All of the capital is owned by the Undersecretariat of the Treasury of the Republic of Turkey. The Bank’s former capital of 2,500,000,000.- Turkish Lira was paid up. This time, the increased amount of 2,500,000,000.- Turkish Lira consists of 543,482,000.- Turkish Lira of paid-in capital inflation adjustment difference, 90,120,700.- Turkish Lira of year 2003’s net profit inflation adjustment difference and 1,191,397,300.- Turkish Lira of previous periods’ net profit. Of this total, 675,000,000.- Turkish Lira was committed as cash and without collusion by the Treasury and was paid up before the registration date.


Article 6 (new version)

Article 6- The capital of the Bank is 5,100,000,000.-Turkish Lira. All of the capital is owned by the Undersecretariat of the Treasury of the Republic of Turkey. The Bank’s former capital of 5,000,000,000.-Turkish Lira was paid up. This time, the increased amount of 100,000,000.- Turkish Lira consists of 28,000,000.-Turkish Lira of previous periods’ net profit. Of this total, 72,000,000.-Turkish Lira was committed as cash and without collusion by the Treasury and was paid up before the registration date.