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Report Profile

This is the second sustainability report to be published by Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ziraat Bankası AŞ (Ziraat Bank / “the Bank”), a financial institution that has been contributing to the economic development of Turkey since 1863. This report (1) summarizes the performance which the Bank achieved during the reporting period (1 January to 31 December 2014) with respect to priorities which it had ascertained based on stakeholder feedback and (2) presents the Bank’s goals and plans for the future. The report covers Ziraat Bank’s activities in the areas of economic, environmental, and social sustainability from the standpoints of its stakeholders, its corporate structure, its banking business, its environment, its human resources, and its community.


The report’s compatibility level, scope, and limits

This report has been prepared so as to be compatible with the G4 (“Comprehensive”) level of G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A copy of the GRI G4 Index may be found here. The scope of this report is limited exclusively to the activities and operations of Ziraat Bank itself and does not cover those of its subsidiaries.
G4-28, G4-29

The reporting period

Unless otherwise indicated, this report covers only the period beginning on 1 January 2014 and ending on 31 December 2014. Specific data points cited in this report will serve as benchmarks for any future sustainability reports that Ziraat Bank may publish. The most recent previous sustainability published by the Bank report was concerned with 2013.


The reporting cycle

Ziraat Bank will continue reporting its sustainability performance on a yearly basis.

Reporting language and format

The Ziraat Bank 2014 Sustainability Report is being published in Turkish and English.

Because it regards the conservation of natural resources as a fundamental duty and in order to help save on the use of paper, Ziraat Bank is not publishing its 2014 sustainability report in printed form. Online and PDF versions of the report may be found at the link given below.



Contact information concerning this report is provided in the GRI Index.

Ziraat Bank and Sustainability
The Value Created and Shared