Take Out Health Insurance, So Healthcare Expenses Don't Break The Budget

All Turkish citizens and foreign nationals with residency issued with temporary Republic of Türkiye ID numbers may apply to their nearest branch for health insurance privileges and peace of mind regarding healthcare expenses.

* Applicants without Private Health Insurance: 
After the applicant has been adequately informed on health insurance within the framework of the Health Insurance General Conditions, applications are forwarded to the insurance company of which we are an agent. The policy is produced by the company.

* Applicants with Private Health Insurance: 
If the customer already has a Private Health Insurance policy with another company, a transfer form is completed to obtain necessary information from the other company and forwarded to the insurance company of which we are an agent.

On the basis of this form the Insurance Company will request transfer information from the other company, upon receipt of which the company will notify the branch from which the application originated by e-mail concerning the policy conditions under which the applicant is being offered Private Health Insurance, after which the policy is arranged by the Company upon the customer's request.


  • Insures the holder for the duration of the term against any accident or illness which which requires first aid, doctor, medication, analysis, hospital treatment and surgical expenses.
  • Provides the greatest help during the hardest time by giving holders the freedom to select whichever doctor or healthcare institution they wish in case of health problems and covering the high treatment costs.

Our Insurance Packages

Türkiye Sigorta offers customers four product models; Ocean No Limit, Ocean Limit, Ocean Extra and Ocean Advantage. Detailed explanation of these products is given below.

Ocean Unlimited Health Insurance

By saying "Health comes first", you have decided to take out a comprehensive insurance for yourself. Here is the most suitable insurance for your needs, Okyanus Unlimited!

Türkiye Sigorta  to Limit Health Insurance ocean with domestic and overseas medical expenses that may occur, we offer comprehensive guarantees.

Moreover, with a lifetime renewal guarantee in 3 years without additional premium application depending on usage ...

Ocean Limited Health Insurance

For those who want to take precautions by thinking about the difficult days already, those who do not want to take a break from the enthusiasm of life and wish a healthy and long life with their loved ones; Türkiye Sigorta Health Insurance Limit Ocean.

Moreover, with a lifetime renewal guarantee in 3 years without additional premium application depending on usage ...

Ocean Extra Health Insurance

MR, tomography,EKG Stress can take advantage of advanced diagnostic tools such as Türkiye Sigorta beside the ocean with extra inpatient health insurance also can benefit from our extensive service network for advanced diagnostic methods

Moreover, with a lifetime renewal guarantee in 3 years without additional premium application depending on usage.

Ocean Advantage Health Insurance

“I usually overcome my illnesses standing up. If you are one of those who say "The important thing is to take precautions for inpatient diseases", we have a very advantageous product for you!

Moreover, with a lifetime renewal guarantee in 3 years without additional premium application depending on usage ...